Renew your Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) to keep it active!

How It Works

Step 1

Complete our request form below (fee: $120 CAD for new customers, $75 for past customers)

Step 2

We generate and send you a W-7 ITIN renewal application and 1040-NR tax return pre-filled with your information

Step 3

You sign and mail the package to the IRS, along with documents to verify your identity.

Step 4

You receive your ITIN renewal confirmation ~ 12 weeks later. Don’t forget to pay your taxes to the IRS!

Get Started – ITIN Renewal Form

ITIN Renewal Form

  • About the Service
  • ITIN Details
  • Personal Info
  • Identification Docs
  • US Presence
  • Income and Tax
  • Confirm and Pay

Our ITIN solution offers a simple and frugal approach to help non-US-residing Canadians renew their ITIN. This process should be completed once every three years to keep the ITIN active and prevent it from being reissued.  

We will guide you in submitting a W-7 form and tax return (Form 1040-NR) to the IRS. By completing a series of questions, we will use your information to generate a completed W-7 renewal application and 1040-NR, along with further instructions for filing.

Importantly, this method assumes the following:

  • You are a non-resident alien (you do not hold a US visa, green card, or pass the substantial presence test)
  • You have not had a tax form issued by the IRS such as a Form 1099, W-2, etc. 
  • You do not have or qualify to have a US social security number.

If any of the above apply to you, please do not complete this form. Email us instead and we may be able to assist depending on your situation.

Before You Start

  • Read our Legal Disclaimers
  • Know (approximately) how many days you spent in the United States in each of the past three calendar years
  • Know the dates of entry and exit into the United States in the previous calendar year
  • Have your passport information ready

ITIN Details

How do I know when my ITIN expired or will expire? 

The Three-Year Rule

You have three consecutive years to use your ITIN at least once on a federal tax return before it expires due to nonuse. For example, if you applied for and received your ITIN in 2018 and used it to file 2018 federal taxes, but did not use it to file your 2019, 2020, or 2021 federal income taxes, your ITIN would expire on the final day of the third consecutive year (in this case, December 31, 2022).


Personal Information

Current Address

Identification Document(s)

As part of your ITIN application, you must provide the IRS with document(s) to support your identity and foreign status. You can read more about these requirements on the IRS website, or in this Frugal Flyer blog post.

Please provide your document details below:

Presence in the United States

Give the number of days (including vacation) you were present in the United States in each of the last three years.

Review your entry and passport stamps or other records to count the number of days you were actually present in the United States. A day of presence is any day that you are physically present in the United States at any time during the 24-hour period beginning at 12:01 a.m.

You can also view your travel history on the I-94 website.


IF APPLICABLE, list all the dates you entered and left the United States during 2024 (up to 8 most recent). If you did not spend any days in the USA in 2024, then leave these fields blank. You can view your United States arrival and departure history here.

Date entering the United States

Date departing United States

Income and Tax Details

In this section, you will enter your claimed income from gambling winnings, and the tax payable will be calculated.


Confirm and Pay

Fee: $126 CAD ($120 + $6 GST)

We discount this price to $75 for customers who previously used Frugal Flyer to get their ITIN.

Apply Discount
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🔒 This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Please see the FAQ section on our main ITIN application page. You can also view the ITIN Expiration FAQ on the IRS website.

Legal Disclaimers

Frugal Flyer is not a registered tax accounting firm, and does not act as third-party designee for US tax returns. You assume all liabilities and responsibilities for submitting and paying your US tax return, as well as future communications with the IRS, if required.

No Representation of Advice

The information contained within this website is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to substitute for obtaining accounting, tax, or financial advice from a professional and designated accountant.

The presentation of the information via the internet is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, an accountant – client relationship. Website users, internet subscribers and online readers are cautioned and advised not to act upon this information without seeking the services of a professional and designated accountant.

IRS Circular 230 notice

In order to comply with requirements imposed by the IRS, I must inform you that any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this blog is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter that is contained in this blog.